You can click the magnifying glass to search, or, using the filters on the Practice page, click "Style" then choose "Prenatal" for a selection of classes suitable for pregnancy. Depending on your practice pre-pregnancy, you may find that some Gentle, Hatha, Restorative, Yin, and other classes are still suitable as well, but different pose variations, or certain pose omissions, may be needed to not only feel comfortable in your practice, but to keep you and baby safe as well. Be sure to do what feels good and works for your own body and check with your doctor if you are ever unsure about any type of pose or physical activity.
During pregnancy, we generally do not suggest twisting, back-bending, deep forward bends, deep core work, or any positions where you're lying on your belly or lying completely flat on your back for long periods of time without support. Also, if you were not practicing inversions prior to becoming pregnant, we do not suggest practicing them until after giving birth.
As the body changes with the different stages of pregnancy, you may find different props to be very helpful! Blocks can bring the floor closer to you when the belly is bigger (and also avoid straining the back) and they can offer added support when practicing balancing poses or resting in restorative poses. Straps can help you find release and opening in stretches, increasing the length you can extend while not compromising healthy form and alignment, and bolsters and pillows can bring about more comfort, help prop you up off the floor, and make it easier to get up too! We normally love props, but we especially love them during pregnancy!
After pregnancy and birth, you will also find some classes suitable for you by selecting "Style" again and choosing "Postnatal".
If you have any questions, feel free to write our guides directly in the comment fields below the classes, asking our community on our community sharing board or on Facebook, or writing our support team at ♥️