All classes and videos are available to any of our premium monthly, quarterly, or yearly members, including those still within our 10-day free trial period. If you are currently logged in using a free account (and aren't currently in a free trial period), you will not be able to view any classes past 30-seconds unless they are noted otherwise as "free".
If you started a free trial and/or paid for a premium membership and are experiencing technical difficulties:
We apologize for any inconvenience you're experiencing, and thank you for your patience as our site continues to update and improve on a continuous basis behind-the-scenes.
- If by chance you were affected by recent website updates, first please ensure your browser and/or operating system is up-to-date on its latest version. We suggest using Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. Internet Explorer is not suitable for our site.
- If you continue to experience issues, please log out, clear the cache and history on your browser, restart your browser, and then log back in with your premium account information. The website may also need to be refreshed for changes to take effect on your device.
- Please also double-check that your internet connection is strong (WiFi is best). If your connection is weaker or your computer/device is low on storage and memory, we recommend changing the video settings by clicking "Play" and then on the bottom right of the video, selecting "HD" and choosing a lower quality setting. 1080p HD or 720p HD will give the best quality, but depending on your device and internet connection, these may "buffer" and pause more often.
If you continue to experience issues, please email our support team at and we will be able to help you with further troubleshooting.